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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things I Promise People

So the other day I said something about posting things, and then instead, I posted a video. So... I think we can all agree that this shows that I'm okay with lying to you. Basically I've been really busy lately, especially the last week or so, getting things together for going off to college. As a result, I've been ignoring this page a bit, and worse, ignoring my game. I feel somewhat justified in that, being as busy as I have been, but it still sucks.

Now. We must discuss what my going away will mean for this blog. Of course, I will have the internet still while I'm at school, but it is very possible that much of the time, I'll be all busy and whatnot, and school will have to come first for me. However, I know I'll go mad if I'm not gaming at all down there, and so I will still be active around here. Of course, since the webcam does not belong to me, I won't be in the videos very much, but I will be willing to edit them anyway, and I hope they keep getting made.

Of course, I'm going off to school, so you know what that means, yeah?

Or maybe...

Or maybe even this!


...I'm sorry, that was stupid. I had to make this video game related somehow, though.

The other thing I wanted to talk about though, was something from our video the other day.

Jeff Benson.

Okay, so, I know this was just a stupid joke, but we can't seem to stop talking about this kid. We just have to know what the hell happened to Jeff. Yesterday I was thinking about Jeff Benson, and I started digging around a little. I think I may have found something.

Punching in "Jeff Benson Nintendo" to a search engine comes up with a number of results. That number is about 12,800, by the way. The one that stuck out to me brought me to a list of some letters sent in to Nintendo Power back in the day. I found this following letter.

"Looking for a Power Player? Search no more. With seventeen games conquered and more on the way, I'm a sure fire winner. Nintendo is the best hobby I've ever had. I was the second one of my friends to get a Nintendo and three others got them soon after. In the afternoons, my friends and I always go to one of our houses to play Nintendo. I've even been known to play al night without stopping (although only on rare occasions). The games I've conquered include many of the best: Super Mario Bros. 2, Metal Gear, Rygar and Metroid. BreakThru and Life Force were each beaten on the day I first played them and a friend and I finished Contra after four hours of playing it!

I'm president of a Nintendo club called the Video Warlords. We save up for club games. I'm 14, I have a dog names Benji and I'm Nintendo's number one fan! (Another note: most of the games above were finished with Nintendo's standard controller, and none were finished in slow motion.) Thank you for providing over 15 million citizens with an ever-cool hobby!!

Jeff Benson
New Paris, TX"

New Paris TX, you say! Interesting. The young President of the Video Warlords mentions Mario Bros. 2, which seems to me an important detail. Very interesting indeed!

Now, another thing I found is that the short lived and then scrapped TV show that was to be made about Earthbound, the Earthbound Saga, was in part created by a Jeff Benson. Likely not the same one, obviously, but still, an odd coincidence.

The search continues, but I wanted to report that little bit. He may be a real person yet!

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