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Monday, February 8, 2010

Zuul Arcade Group Adventures. (An alternative to traditional male bonding experiences)

So, I had Mike and Teague over the other night at around 1:30 in the morning with the intention of starting a new file for a game called "secret of mana" which is the only multi-player RPG for the Snes that I am aware of (Other than the sequel that was only released in japan...that I have a copy of. and a converter. but can't play due to my lack of being able to read japanese.) So, in a night of largely epic fail for myself, I located my SNES, and my multi-tap, and 3 controllers, but I could not locate the game itself. So this lead us to do other things with our time. So what did we do?

We fired up the N64.

Now, all I have to say, is the 1st game we tried was "Gauntlet Legends". Me, Teague and mike all created blue mages with racially offensive names seeing as we weren't planning on saving the file anyway. Long story short, we got about 5 minutes into the game, and one of our wizards' shouted "FOOD IS GOOD!" and Teague kinda lost his shit and put the controller down and refused to play further. Can't really say I blame him, we just stopped.

The second game we tried was Duke Nukem 64. Folks, with the N64 controller, the game was nigh unplayable. After me and mike got raped by Dukebots several times, we called that quits and tried Turok 2.

This was amusing for about 10 minutes while we were all wondering what the hell was going on. Teague was a dinosaur and said "rawr" alot, mike was a dino humanoid and I was turok. Now the previous problem we had with duke nukem is that the look function on the analog stick is inverted, which for me is a problem, I want the character in game to look in the direction I'm pressing, not the opposite. So this was a total cluster fuck and we just gave up on that too.

So now we're sitting around asking ourselves "how the hell did we garner any enjoyment out of these games?!" the last 4 games we tried were AWFUL. So then it was time to see if one game stood the test of time:

Teague actually begged me to not put the game in, because he didn't want me to ruin his memories of it like the previous 4 games. I of course ignored his pleas and put the damn game in. and I'll tell you, after 14 years, the game is still DAMN FUN. The controls sucked a little more than I'm used to, but the game still worked. I also found out that after 14 years, Mike is still a total douchebag with proximity mines. So we actually had a lot of fun playing goldeneye, so it's good to know that it was actually a good game, and not a shitty game and we just didn't know any better.
So, this was quite the group adventure I figured was worth sharing. I'm hoping we have more unplanned zany adventures to amuse our readers. - Sean

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