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Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Short Shining Force Post

So I've started up Shining Force a couple of times over the last few days, but I keep noticing that I don't actually have enough time to play much when I do. But I had some time today, and so I played for a little while.

It was weird seeing that weird little girl again. Familiar, but distant, you know? But what's weird is that shortly after I started playing, I realized something: I have no idea what I'm doing in this game right now, story-wise.

Luckily, I was reminded quickly enough.

This fight was pretty standard, honestly, and I'm surprised at how easy most of it was. I was sort of excited to fight Elliot, because I remember him seeming like a pretty cool bad guy.

But I would like to know why he had artillery. At least it's not a giant laser eye thing though, right? By the way, when I got to Elliot himself, he had a good 60 HP and a healer standing right next to him. Also, he's pretty scary looking.

Like much scarier than the sprite and portrait would have me believe. Also, he hits like a truck, so I'll need to be really careful. The one attack he pulled off before I egressed out of there almost dropped my MC. I plan to grind the fight a little because with a number of my characters, I'm either very close to promotion, or I just did it.

Oh, also I got yet another centaur knight thing in the group. So, there's that, then. More to come.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Like Some Sort of Pixelated Phoenix

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can you imagine? Just reading that breaks my heart a little. We're coming up on a year since the last post. I came to the blog, and I read a couple of the last entries we made. They made me laugh. Not because I thought, oh man, what a bunch of jackasses, and not in that way that really just means I'm trying not to be depressed about another little project falling by the wayside. I laughed because they were funny to me, and I really liked reading them. And you know something? I loved writing them, too.

I really enjoyed this blog last year. Recently Sean, Mike, Brendan and myself were talking about Zuul Arcade, but it was a regrettably short conversation. My sincere hope is that I won't be the only one wanting to push back into things.

Since April, we've certainly gamed a lot. Like a LOT. Mostly more current games, and we haven't really seen fit to attach that to this website. However, it occurs to me that we should have been doing that, even if it was unrelated to the project at hand. Like I said in the very first post, this is our arcade. That means if we aren't working on our high score in Pac-Man, we should feel free to go and spend some time playing Gauntlet or some shit, because it's our place to game, and laugh, and share it with each other.

So. That said, I'm picking up the controller. Last time, I put it down because of the same reason I always do. I missed out on getting a character, and was so annoyed every time I played after that, I didn't feel like continuing, so I decided to give it some time. Stupid. And since everyone else was falling into their own little pits with their games, I had no one to look to. We all got stuck simultaneously.

Well you know what, boys and girls? There's someone out there who wouldn't let that happen. There's someone out there who would say get up out of that hole and keep playing, damn it. That's right. Jeff Motherfuckin' Benson. That dude had 17 games under his belt.

The point is, this was too much fun to just let it die outright. So I want to try again and I hope you'll come along with me.